Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Trader Tuesday: Steamed Artichoke

I'm a bit short of ideas today, so I'll post this treat that WH and I enjoyed last night.

Purchase a whole artichoke. Cut the tips off the outer leaves, and then cut the top off the artichoke. In a pot, place water, a clove of garlic, lemon juice and a bay leaf if you have one. Put the artichoke in a steaming basket and put it in the pot. Boil the water, and then reduce to simmer for anywhere between 20 and 45 minutes. You'll know that the artichoke is done because the leaves will relax a little bit and pull away from the core.

I know of two options for condiments... melted butter or aioli. For the latter, mix a cup of mayonnaise, a minced clove of garlic, salt and pepper and a little bit of lemon juice.

To eat: Pull a leaf off the artichoke. The edible portion is the white bit on the inside bottom of the leaf. Put the leaf in your mouth and drag it through your teeth to free the "meat." (After dipping, of course!) Once you get down into the heart, there are all kinds of edible bits in there, and the bigger mess that you've made, the more successful you've been at enjoying this treat!


Julie said...

I've always been afraid of the artichoke! This sounds like a dish I could actually do. Thanks! :)

Crimson Rambler said...

mmmmmmmmm artichokes....

Maureen said...

Love artichokes....and my daughter likes them dipped in Ranch dressing (course she likes everything dipped in Ranch dressing :)