Sunday, March 7, 2010


Some of you may recall this post about about my cataract problem from last April.

Well, tomorrow the cataract is coming out! I have some anxieties about the surgery itself, but nothing serious, and I'm looking forward to having the week that follows off to rest. And I'm very much looking forward to the results, which I understand from others to be pretty much instantaneous. In the meantime, I'm figuring out the pre and post-operative eye drop schedule, which a person almost needs an excel spreadsheet to track. Is there an app for that??

Wish me luck!


Kathryn said...

praying for clear sight all round - and a lovely week of R&R afterwards xx

Patrick C said...

Hope that everything went well today!

Annie's Mom said...

It did indeed! All is well!

Patrick C said...

Good to hear! Do you get to wear a suitably piratical eyepatch?

Annie's Mom said...

I do get to wear a patch, but it's not very pirate-ish. Sigh.