Monday, February 4, 2008

Oh what fun...

Well, for anybody who cheers for the underdog every time, yesterday was a pretty good day, eh?! Despite three slooooooooow quarters of football, the fourth sure made watching the whole game worthwhile! And I confess to enjoying every single time that Tom Brady wound up on his back on the grass, with a member of the Giants defense plastered all over him.

Speaking of Mr. Brady, he said something in his post-game interview that I thought was funny. Something like, "Well, losing this game doesn't make the other 18 wins any less meaningful." Um.... actually, yeah it does, Tom. That's pretty much exactly what it does.

The Giants' win makes me wonder what dinner at the Manning household will be like next Sunday. I bet there will be lots of grinning.


Crimson Rambler said...

oh pshaw

Crimson Rambler said...

besides the Giants' hats look like M&M's. pshaw again, I say.

Episcopollyanna said...

It was the most interesting Super Bowl ever. We really enjoyed it.