Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Tuesday's Meandering...

Tell me, would you be worried if, since the new mail guy started three months ago, you hadn't received any mail? Like... none? Not even the institution's monthly newspaper, which is sent to ALL staff? Note to self... introduce self to new mail guy... AGAIN.

Anyhoo, it was a big and busy weekend around The Little Wee House. WH was playing the organ for the finale Gala Concert for the National Music Festival on Saturday night, so in the morning, we headed to the hall so that he could set his registrations and get some rehearsal time in. He had a wedding to play in the afternoon too, so while he was busy with that, I got some grocery shopping and general putzing around done, and then we were off back to the hall for the concert itself. WH played beautifully, and I turned pages and pulled stops and tried my best to be supportive. It was fun!

On Sunday, we picked up WH's parents from the residence where they had been staying for the festival, and brought them back to our house to stay for a couple of nights. We had a fairly quiet afternoon and then went for dinner with other festival representatives on a boat that paddles back and forth down Prairie City's main river. While the evening was certainly fun, the boat trip itself was much shorter than we expected, and the dining room was overcrowded, which made the air conditioning completely useless. We sweltered. But the food was decent, and we got ourselves back up on deck in the breeze to enjoy drinks during the boat trip.

WH and his parents did some shopping while I was at work yesterday, and then we hosted some friends from church for dinner last night. We haven't seen this couple for quite a while, so it was wonderful to get reconnected and to see that they are doing well. Full of spirit and laughter, as always. We kept the meal pretty simple too, so the evening was low stress: three pork tenderloins done on the bbq, steamed asparagus, and a potato salad that I'd made the day before. And store-bought pie with ice cream.

WH is taking his parents to the airport this morning before getting a men's league round of golf in this afternoon. I'm always sad to see his parents go - we do laugh and laugh a great deal when they're around. It looks like they'll be back in November though, to see WH conduct Handel's Solomon. Hurray!

1 comment:

Julie said...

It's so refreshing to read commentary from someone who actually enjoys their in-laws! I really enjoy my mother-in-law and even some of her own children (she had 8) can't understand it. Glad you had a good visit! :)