Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Three days of work to go!

I continue to face conflict between how much work I know I need to get done before we leave for California, and my strong desire not to do any of it, and just think about California.

We are keeping an eye on the wildfires in Northern California... so far we're ok, I think, though I read today that there is some smoke in the San Francisco Bay area. No active fires in Sonoma though, which is a relief. I will email the folks from our trekking company tonight just to confirm that there's no risk that we won't be able to go on our trek.

I did the pre-trip major house clean last night, at least half of it. We still have some work to do in the basement, but we want to come home to a nice clean house, so that's the goal. I have discovered that it takes me one Handel's Messiah to get the upstairs totally clean. I know that by the time Worthy is the Lamb starts, I should be putting the mop and broom away. If I'm not, I know that it's been too long since we last cleaned, or I got distracted somewhere along the way.

I talked to the Paternal Unit on the phone last night. Please have good thoughts for his wife, L, who received some worrisome test results this week and will be going in for a follow-up biopsy. And while you might be thinking thoughts of good health, perhaps one further good thought for the Eldest Brother's friend I, who is facing scary surgery too.

I hope that you're all having a good and fulfilling day.


Sue said...

Sending prayers for L and lots of good holiday wishes for you and hubby.

Julie said...

Hope you have a great vacation! We went to SF, Napa, and Sonoma about seven years ago. Even tooled around Pebble Beach as the husband had an old friend who lived there. It was sweet!

That's funny that you time your cleaning by Handel. I time mine by Spongebob and The Backyardigans. :)